

A new year means a fresh start

So if you're like most people, you're likely setting New Year's resolutions. New Year's resolutions are an excellent opportunity to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year.

So how can you set resolutions that will make an impact? Here are 5 tips for setting effective New Year's resolutions that you'll actually stick with this year.


1. Set long-term goals

Before you set goals for this year, start by looking at your longer-term goals. These can be 5-year, 10-year, or even lifetime goals! While these aren't going to be your New Year's resolutions, these can help guide your goals for the upcoming year. This way, you're not selecting random resolutions but rather ones with a purpose that will bring you closer to your long-term goals.

For example, if your long-term goal is to buy a home, you might not be able to achieve that in one year. But you can set a resolution to create a down payment savings account and save your first $5,000.

By the way, if becoming a homewoner is one of your goals for 2023, you are at the right place. Call The "A" Team and ask about our Rate Buydown Programs.


2. Choose attainable goals

When setting your New Year's resolutions, it is important to make sure they are realistic and attainable. Setting lofty goals that are impossible to meet will only leave you feeling disappointed and frustrated.

Choose goals that you can actually take action towards. For example, winning the lottery isn't a realistic goal. But building an emergency fund is. Firing your landlord and taking the first step toward homeownership is.


3. Create a 12-month timeline

You can do a lot in a year. But you have to commit to taking the steps towards achieving your resolutions.

One of the best ways to do this is by breaking down your New Year's resolutions into smaller steps. When you break down big goals into smaller steps or milestones, they become much more manageable and less intimidating.

It also helps you start tracking your progress along the way.

A great way to do this is by breaking your progress down into 12 months. Start by asking "What are the 12 steps I need to take in order to reach my goal?"


4. Make your goals specific

As we start a new year and make resolutions for the upcoming months, it's important to remember that your goals should be specific. When our resolutions become too general, it's easy for them to be deprioritized.

When setting your resolutions, ask yourself questions like: How will I measure success? What do I need to do to reach this goal? If you're not sure, your goals may not be specific enough.

For example, instead of setting a resolution to be "healthier", set a resolution that you'll get some sort of exercise or body movement at least twice a week.


5. Stay accountable

It's easy to set lofty goals for yourself, and it's even easier to get discouraged when you don't meet them right away.

To stay accountable and make sure you reach your goals this year, there are a few steps you can take.

  • Writing down your resolutions as a commitment to yourself.
  • Find an accountability partner, someone to share goals or keep you on track
  • Schedule check-ins with yourself throughout the year


Start the year with effective resolutions

New Year's resolutions can feel overdone or like a cliche. But as long as you're setting effective resolutions, they're a great way to help you achieve your goals.

May 2023 be successful and bring life to your dreams!




We hope this article was of value to you. For more great tips, bookmark our site and for all your mortgage needs, visit the A Team at TMFFMS.


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